Just For You Naturally

Just For You Naturally

Just For You Naturally

Wellness Center was voted BEST ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE PRACTITIONER in the Daily Local News!

Gift Shop is OPEN Fridays 4:00-5:00

Limited gift shop hours due to servicing our client’s appointments!

Stop in and find out how you can improve your health and quality of life!

Are you looking for a more natural way to relieve stress and boost your immune system and energy level?

Consider one of our amazing holistic treatments and consults:

In person treatments and consults are available. Distance/phone sessions if you prefer are also offered.

Holistic Energy Sessions include a multi-faceted approach utilizing Nancy’s extensive experience both as a Registered Nurse and holistic healer for over 20 years. Both REIKI and HEALING TOUCH techniques are used with an emphasis on the client’s preferences and comfort level. With the guidance of her Angel and Spirit Guides, she may also include other therapies such as gemstones and Angelic guidance. Every session is unique to the individual client and focuses on what is currently needed to facilitate healing on all levels-physical, emotional/mental and spiritual. This treatment will certainly help lower stress and anxiety, as well as facilitate healing of physical issues such as pain and many acute and chronic conditions.

HOLISTIC NUTRITION consult will assist you to boost your energy while supporting your goals for optimum health and wellness.

Offering STANDARD PROCESS and MEDIHERB natural food supplements with nutrition consults-

Offering SHAKLEE Products including nutritional supplements, skincare and cleaning products for your home.

NEW OFFERING: MEDICAL INTUITION READING offers the client useful information using perception to help discover imbalances that may be affecting illness and disease

HYPNOTHERAPY can help you let go of bad habits and phobias

ANGEL READINGS allow you to receive clarity to deal with life choices…

Consultations and Treatments last 75-90 minutes and are $110.

FOOT BATH DETOX THERAPY – Helps remove harmful substances that contribute to disease and helps restore Ph balance in the body. This treatment lasts 45 minutes and is $55.

The GIFT SHOP offers lots of ways to pamper yourself or someone you love!

Consultations and Treatments by appointment 7 days a week


Reiki I Certification: Sat April 5 from 10:00-6:00

Reiki II Certification : Sat May 10 from 10:00-6:00 (only open to prior students of Nancy)

Reiki III/Master Reiki Certification: Sat June 14 from 10:00-6:00 (only open to prior students of Nancy)

The following classes are available, contact Nancy to reserve a date that works best for you! (at least 3 students needed to hold the class)

Fundamentals of Gemstones

Guiding Principles of Essential Oils

Gemstones and the Chakras:

Essential Oil Blending

Manifesting with Crystal Grids

Energetic Protection for Holistic Healers and Empaths

Connecting with the Angelic Realm and Self Readings

Healing Touch Level 1: from 8:30-6:00 on both Sat and Sun of same weekend

For ALL CLASSES please contact Nancy at 610-745-4245 to reserve your spot. If you would like to set up a class from the list that is not already on the schedule, just call Nancy and we will choose a time that works for the both of us. Minimum 3 students per class.

Are you wondering what all the “buzz” is about regarding complimentary and holistic energy therapies that are now available to you in addition to traditional western health care? Stop in today and our helpful, friendly and informative staff can answer your questions and help guide you through the myriad of information out there-much of which isn’t reliable, and offer helpful suggestions for you. Come and learn about other options that may appeal to you. Take charge of YOU and your life, and find some relief and peace in this fast-paced world through taking advantage of the natural and holistic options that are available at the wellness center.
The Holistic Wellness Center and Gift Shop features a new facility complete with treatment and consultation rooms offering several holistic specialties, along with classroom/workshop space offering classes on many subjects including energy therapy, essential oils, crystal therapy and much more. There is also a retail space featuring many related items including over 180 tumbled and small gemstones and high quality essential oils-over 55 to choose from in stock. There are many other items available including an amazing new jewelry section featuring custom and hand crafted items all made with positive intention and genuine gemstones, smudge products, prayer flags, Angel card decks and books on many subjects, wind chimes and many local and hand crafted items to pamper you and your loved ones.
Come on in and check it out! We’d enjoy meeting you!
Gift Shop Hours:
Friday: 4:00-5:00

Disclaimer: All consults, treatments, classes, special events and items for sale in the gift shop offered at the center are not intended to be a replacement for health or medical care of any kind. It is recommended that all clients and customers seek the advice of a medical professional for any issues or concerns that they may have.

Services Offered:

Holistic Nutrition Consultation

Holistic nutrition is not a diet or structured plan, but rather is a modern natural approach to health by taking into account all aspects of a person’s wellness through better lifestyle choices. it is not about what to “give up” but about what supports a person’s health and well being.
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Essential Oil Consultation

Aromatherapy is the science of essential oils and it dates back thousands of years. A consultation will include a custom blend created just for you to address your individual goal for the session.
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Hypnosis Consultation

Hypnosis is a state of relaxed concentration where the critical mind is bypassed in order to allow any negative or self-sabotaging thoughts to be released that may be interfering with one’s desires and goals in life, thus clearing the way for more positive and fulfilling behavior to come forward.
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Angel Therapy Consultation

In an Angel Therapy consultation a person may connect with one’s Guardian Angels, Spirit Guides and loved ones who have passed over in order to receive messages of love and support. It is the client’s free will choice what to do with the information one receives.
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Reiki Treatment

Reiki is an energy therapy technique originating from Japan. Rei means, “God’s Wisdom or the Higher Power” and Ki means “life force energy”. The therapy can be done on or off the body and promotes deep relaxation allowing the natural healing ability of the client to work. It is a safe and effective method for everyone and has no ill side effects.
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Healing Touch Treatment

Healing Touch is a holistic energy therapy that was founded by a Registered Nurse in the 1980’s. Janet Mentgen, the founder believed that everyone should have the opportunity to learn this skill and to apply it to their loved ones, as well as themselves. It is an energy therapy where practitioners consciously use their hands in a heart-centered and intentional way to encourage relaxation so the body can better heal itself. It is gentle and has no ill side effects.
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Tui Na Massage

Tui Na massage is a holistic massage technique which is based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and concentrates on relieving imbalances in the meridian energy system. The name comes from two actions: “tui” means “to push” and “na” means “to lift and squeeze”. The client stays fully clothed during the treatment and it can be gentle or more firm depending on the client’s wishes. It works on the entire body system and is very effective in alleviating many health complaints.
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Foot Bath Detox Therapy

Now Offering Foot Bath Detox Therapy by Ion Cleanse:
The science is that salt draws out toxins via osmosis and diffusion. The machine gently removes substances such as pesticides, preservatives and heavy metals. It also alkalizes the body which helps in restoring neutral Ph which is necessary for good health. Countless people have discovered the positive results! The therapy is both effective and gentle. The treatment lasts about a half hour and one’s feet are in the water for 15-20 minutes.
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There are many exciting classes being offered at the wellness center. Those that are ongoing include Reiki, Healing Touch, Essential oil use and safety, Gemstone therapy and many more! Please click on this button for more information and what is currently scheduled.
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Ongoing Practices and Shares

There are ongoing opportunities for students to practice their skills and share their experiences with their new knowledge. Every month the center hosts a Reiki and Healing Touch share for all levels of students and practitioners alike. Check the button or schedule to see upcoming times. This is a great opportunity to brush up on what you’ve already learned and to receive a mini session with a fellow student.
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Feng Shui, Sacred Geometry & Gemstones

There are many specialty classes also offered that include Basics of Feng Shui for the home and office, Sacred Geometry and gridding for protection and abundance, Working with the Energy of Gemstones and How to use a Pendulum workshops. Come and check it out. It is informative and lots of fun!
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Special Events & Guest Practitioners

The center hosts guest speakers and special events from time to time in addition to its ongoing offerings. Check out the calendar for a list of events coming soon!
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Learn what our program can do for you!

Accomplishing planned goals
Releasing stress that causes illness
Achieving greater peace of mind
Minimizing negative effects of disease
Revitalizing the body, mind and spirit
Healthier, happier quality of life


My session was amazing! I gained many insights that I can apply to my daily life. Thanks so much!

Hypnosis Client

The essential oil blend you created for me is awesome! I had no idea I could get relief like this. You took all the guesswork out of trying to decide which oils were best for my condition.

Aromatherapy Client

That was so very relaxing and my back pain has decreased so much I can almost touch my toes. I feel great!

Reiki Treatment Client

I have always loved stones since I was a child but had no idea how to use them energetically. This class gave me a firm understanding on how to begin using them in my massage sessions. Thanks Nancy!

Gemstone Therapy Student

Nancy, you are an excellent teacher! Your holistic center is inviting and a wonderful space to be in. The class was presented clearly and well organized; everything just flowed. You are both caring and welcoming. I had no idea what a wonderful experience this weekend would be! I’ve learned so much and am excited to apply my new skills to my family and friends, in addition to adding it to my daily self-care routine!

Healing Touch Level 1 Class Student

Schedule an Appointment Today

Appointments available at your convenience, 7 Days a Week!

Direct Line: 610-745-4245